hello welcome to my new page please take a look around i have various stones for healing and rekin energy in this blog will also explain some information about them... if any questions please feel free to email on facebook i will more than happy try to answer if im not online at the time i will respond to your message as soon as iam available iam a mother of 3 so this keeps me busy most of time this is something iv put together as my spare time so please take a look at my hobby Lol xx

Avarage size of each stone is approx. 2cm to 2.2cm Shape and natural markings of each stone may differ to that in the picture as no two crystals are identical:  

Physical Treats disorders of the eyes, the throat, the reproductive system and diverticular constrictions. Aids night vision. Focuses energy to meet challenges. Balances yin-yang energy. Aids the digestive system, strengthens the alignment of the spinal column and helps with the mending of broken bones. 

Mental/Emotional Symbol of inner strength. Encourages optimism. Enhances creativity. Aids concentration. Anchors subtle changes into the physical body. Increases confidence and reduces nervousness. Prompts admiration for the pure and the beautiful. Soothes and allows you to be uninhibited. 

SpiritualCan enhance psychic abilities.


Amethyst - stone of spirituality and contentment; balancesenergies of the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies; bestows stability,strength, invigoration and peace; soothing, calming and tranquilizinginfluence; assists in the assimilation of new ideas.
Iolite- helps one to enjoy each moment and to release discord from one's life; allows for progression toward the perfection; facilitates the acceptanceof responsibility; stimulates ones compass within.
Moonstone- associated with fertility, flow and growth; conveys goddessenergy; enhances perception, discernment, creativity and self-expression;stimulates confidence and composure; assists one in the total fulfillment ofdestiny.
Peridot- helps to regulate the physical, mental, emotional andintellectual cycles in ones life; provides a shield of protection around thebody; assists in the lessening of anger or jealousy, inspiring happiness withinthe self.
Citrine- boosts confidence and personal power; dissipates and transmutesnegativity; allows for clarification of problems; assists in acquiring wealth,and maintaining wealth; stimulates openness and helps smooth family or groupproblems.
Carnelian- provides for perceptiveness to situations; awakens onesinherent talents; protects against envy, fear, rage and banishes sorrow;produces inspiration from, and connectedness with the spiritual worlds.
Garnet-stone of health; extracts negative energy from the chakras;enhances commitment to others and to one's self; attracts devotion andexpressions of warmth and understanding from others; protective influence and acalming stable vitality; brings order to chaos.

Root Chakra = Garnet
Sacral Chakra = OrangeCarnelian
Solar Plexus Chakra = Citrine
Heart Chakra = Peridot
Throat Chakra = Aquamarine
Third Eye Chakra = Iolite
Crown Chakra = Amethyst


January Birthstone –  Garnet Most born in January are ambitious, but sometimes lack confidence and self-esteem. Since the healing powers ...