Good-Morning my lovely friends 
Today is Thursday 13/04/2017
and here is your daily Angel messages :)
I thought i would post early for my friends across the sea
God Bless each and every one of you thanks for all your support


Supplementary to the doubling of the effects of the qualities attributable to the numbers from one to nine, the "Master Numbers" also possess distinct properties.
The following information is given to provide with additional details relevant to 
"Master Numbers"...

Master Number 11:
The connection between "brotherhood" and "sisterhood" is combined to reflect the androgynous and Spiritual connection between all which exists, which has ever existed, and which will ever exist.
The concept that "I am also a you" is reflected in the "eleven" vibration..

Master Number 22:
Actualization of the God within the self, recognition that God is in the totality of existence, and understanding of the God outside of the self,
produce a combined vibration in "Realization" of the self, of others, and of the whole.
The concept of the parallel dimensions with respect to the four cardinal directions is reflected in the "Twenty-Two" Vibration..

Master Number 33:
Power over the total physical realm is revealed and the application of same s facilitated. Understanding of the "Right time" is expedited and the act of non-action is furthered;
The concept of ease in actualization and the understanding of the abstraction of manifestation is reflected in the "Thirty-Three" Vibration...

Master Number 44:
Metamorphosis and continued change throughout all times is concentrated with determination of both the acceleration and the ease of reformation of the self.
Te concepts of impetus and catalytic motion are reflected in the "Forty-Four" Vibration..

Master Number 55:
The extension of occurrences to facilitate knowledge with ease is advanced such that approach to each event/condition/experience is with absolute precision and beneficial construction.
The concept of approach via strategic techniques is reflected in the "Fifty-Five" Vibration..

Master Number 66:
Arrangement of the Divine order of personal life, the sacred order upon, and within, the Earth,
and the celestial order of the universe, is facilitated.
The concepts of organization and systematic resolutions, and the implementation of same, are reflected in the "Sixty-Six"Vibration..

Master Number 77:
Transcendence of the creation of advancement combines the energies of non-restriction with the application of a devoted stamina.
The synthesis of the vibratory messages of "Twenty-Two"and our Mother Earth and Father Sky brings the correspondence to consummation of all within each dimension.
The concept of wholeness in entirety is reflected in the "Seventy-Seven" Vibration..

Master Number 88:
The elevation of the personal and the infinite consciousness is facilitated to encompass the actuality of "Knowing"and the receipt of meaningful, revealing, and significant revelations,
(and implementation of same)
With respect to ones unlimited and unrestricted capabilities. The concepts of sensitivity and compassion, with the experiencing of each moment, is reflected in the "Eighty-Eight" Vibration..

Master Number 99:
Revolution and evolution on all levels are expedited and a comprehension of the appropriate paths to completion is imparted. Flexibility in consciousness and in the unification of Past, Present, and Future actions gains appreciation. The concept of supple adaption to facilitate the integration of all which has transpired, is transpiring, and will transpire, is reflected in the "Ninety-Nine" Vibration..

Written by:


Mother Mary deeply cares for you, your welfare, and your happiness.
She asks you to respect yourself enough to take care of yourself.
Remember that your God's child and creation. By respecting yourself you are honoring God.
The Answer to your question does lies within another question.
Which path would be most respectful of me and make me feel the best about myself?
Self-respect increases when your actions are aligned with your true belief. This card asks you to stop doing anything that makes you feel ashamed or guilty,
And to focus all of your attentions upon that which makes you proud to be you..

X have a wonderful day  love & light from me to you X


Brazilian Agate is a translucent to transparent fortification agate exhibiting patterns of voids or circles in a variety of colours.  Many Brazilian Agates have been dyed, but many are natural in color.
This mineral can be used to activate success in dowsing and in divining. Fastened with twine or leather upon the end of a willow, it has led the user to lost items.
Brazilian Agate can be used to facilitate immense strength, to assist one in diversification in Fields of endeavour, and to promote, during meditative states and astral projection a wandering in regimented directions (producing a variety of scenes, situations, and messages for consideration to the user)..
It provides for a protective structure over the field of astral travel so that one can relax in the protective barrier.

It has been used to expedite the whirling state of the dervishes and is honoured by the shamen of South America as a pathway leading both to and from the other worlds..

This mineral can also bring relief to bruises, strains, and sprains.
It can help to bring temporary relief to painful conditions. It has also been used in the treatment of various kinds of elimination problems, to strengthen the walls of the intestines, and to promote the production of the proper range of gastric fluids to enhance digestion.
It also has been used to balance the energies of the heart, to stabilize the heart and pulse rate,
and to increase circulation. An elixir (Of non-dyed Brazilian Agate!)
is also quite effective in treatment of these disorders...

X Love & Light my friends have a wonderful day with all my love  X


As an Aries born on April 6th, your ambition, vigor and creativity define you. In all matters of life, you are ambitious and have a deep desire to be the best. Unlike others who claim to want success, you are willing to put in the effort to achieve your goals. Your hard work and determination has earned you many admirers through life, but it is your creativity that has earned you many friends. Your creative, active mind gives you a memorable sense of humor and a charming personality. You would be surprised to know how many friends your creativity has earned you.

Fire is the paired element of the Aries and in fact, your sign has the only cardinal connection with the element of all the zodiac signs. Your special connection with fire gives your personality the self-starting qualities of a spontaneous flame. More so, it is fire's influence that can be credited with the sparks of leadership that you often witness. As you embrace fire's positive qualities, your inner passion will continue to burn with strength. Take care to avoid the impatience that most fire zodiac signs fall victim to and success will be within your grasp.

The ruling planet of the Aries is Mars, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a generous dose of the Sun's planetary power. The influence of Mars can be witnessed in your vigorous, assertive and courageous qualities, but it is the Sun's power that can be credited with your vitality, creativity, and individuality. Your unique planetary influence combines to make you the most charismatic and creatively minded of all the Aries Decans. There are few social situations where you do not strive to be the center of attention and luckily, you have a playful personality that draws others in. You may have the tendency to boast, which is understandable given your passion and work ethic. However, you must not lose sight of the importance of humility. In love, find an energetic, youthful individual like yourself to find the most happiness.

While there are many factors that go into finding the right career, you are lucky enough to have natural abilities that will give you several paths to explore. Your creativity could lead you down a path of expression as a writer, graphic designer or artist. On the hand, your need for success could make you a successful businessman, salesman or advertiser. You may be drawn to the world of entertainment. If this is the case, you may do well in television or film, which was the case for Zach Braff, who was also born on April 6th. In whichever career you choose, use your leadership abilities for good, unlike outlaw Butch Cassidy, another of your celebrity birthday twins.

Here are a few Aries celebrities born on April 6th and their past or present romantic connections:
Zach Braff (Aries) and Mandy Moore (Aries)
Paul Rudd (Aries) and Jennifer Aniston (Aquarius)


January Birthstone –  Garnet Most born in January are ambitious, but sometimes lack confidence and self-esteem. Since the healing powers ...