January Birthstone – Garnet

Most born in January are ambitious, but sometimes lack confidence and self-esteem. Since the healing powers of Garnet are stronger in January and for those born in January, you should wear or carry this stone for a boost to your self-esteem. Garnet is also considered a very lucky stone that brings success in all areas of life. Wearing this stone also offers its protection against physical harm and evil. If you are buying Garnet as a gift, it is the perfect stone for a friend, because it signifies trust and eternal friendship.
Birthstone Jewellery For January
Garnet worn in a necklace is a great healer for the heart and lungs. Even those not born in January will benefit greatly from wearing Garnet during the month of January.

February Birthstone – Amethyst

Most of you born in February are very active mentally, making it hard to shut off your brain and go to sleep at night. Luckily for you, Amethyst is an excellent sleep aid and bringer of peace. Wearing Amethyst jewellery or putting the stone under your pillow will benefit everyone with sleep, but especially those of you born in February. Wearing Amethyst will also inspire your creativity and provide some powerful spiritual healing.
Birthstone Jewellery For February
Amethyst is best when worn in earrings, inspiring creativity and heightened intuition. Wearing Amethyst can even enhance your psychic abilities.

March Birthstone – Aquamarine

Aquamarine is the stone of the sea, and seamen used to carry the stone to promote safe travels and protect them from drowning. If you were born in March, I don’t have to tell you that you have a very sensitive nature, which can sometimes influence you to avoid making hard decisions. Aquamarine is known to bring increased intellect, enhance your reasoning ability and promote logic. Wearing this stone can help you to think quickly and come up with solutions to many everyday problems. Aquamarine has also been known to help relieve symptoms of liver problems.
Birthstone Jewellery For March
Aquamarine is perfect for the Heart Chakra to help you realize your innermost truth. Wearing this stone close to the heart will help you to release some of your old bad habits and in turn increase your growth as a person. Also, wearing Aquamarine in a necklace will help to heal many types of throat ailments. 

April Birthstone: Diamond

Those lucky enough to be born in April have the most sought-after gemstone as their birthstone. Diamonds are symbols of purity and commitment. Those of you born in April have a lot of energy, and procrastination is not in your dictionary. You are the one to get things done! Diamonds increase that energy even more and bring strength and endurance. These valuable stones also help to bring clarity of mind, which will help lower some of that impulsiveness and help you to pay attention to detail.
Birthstone Jewellery For April
Wearing diamonds will bring love and clarity in your relationships. Since diamonds are excellent stones for the brain, wearing them in earrings can treat dizziness and vertigo. Diamonds are also great for many eye problems, like glaucoma or impaired eyesight. They can also stimulate your creativity and imagination. 

May Birthstone – Emerald

The Emerald is a symbol of rebirth, and it’s said whoever is lucky enough to possess this stone will have good fortune. Emeralds are also bringers of prosperity, which is perfect for those born in May, because you are great with finances and very persistent. Emeralds have a strong loving vibration, making them perfect for bringing love and compassion to your life. If you wear an emerald in your daily life, you will notice the many benefits this stone brings to your love life.
Birthstone Jewellery For May
Because of the loving vibration of Emeralds, many wear Emerald in an engagement ring. Emeralds are also perfect for wearing in a necklace close to your heart chakra. Great for blocking negativity and bringing happiness, Emeralds are excellent stones to wear daily.

June Birthstones – Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone

Those lucky enough to be born in June have three birthstones! Those of you with June birthdays have many interests and love learning about everything you possibly can. Pearls bring truth, loyalty and integrity to those who possess it. They are also powerful healers, said to help with fertility issues. Alexandrite is a stone of courage and is excellent for reducing stress, which those of you born in June will greatly benefit from. Wearing Alexandrite is also great for those of you who experience motion sickness. Considered a sacred stone in India, Moonstone brings strength and inner growth. Physically, this stone helps with digestive problems, the liver and the pancreas.
Birthstone Jewellery For June
Out of the three June Birthstones, Pearls are by far my favourite. Pearls have unique frequencies of energy vibrations that have a strong calming effect and help you connect to your “inner goddess”. Wearing pearls in jewellery is also beneficial for healing digestive issues and skin conditions.

July Birthstone – Ruby

Those born in July are highly emotional and very receptive to other people’s moods and energies. Ruby is a stone of nobility and brings passion, prosperity and protection. Quality rubies are rare and are one of the hardest stones, second only to diamonds. Wearing rubies is said to protect and sustain those with sensitive natures. Perfect for wearing during love making, rubies are said to bring more passion in the bedroom and can even help with your chances to conceive. 
Birthstone Jewellery For July
Wearing Rubies in jewellery will help give you energy throughout the day. Some have said that wearing Rubies help calm hyperactivity. Rubies stimulate the heart, so wearing them in a necklace can be very beneficial. While wearing a Ruby necklace, you will notice an increase in your motivation, concentration and confidence.

August Birthstones – Peridot, Sardonyx

Being born in August, you are big-hearted, generous and loyal. For some of you born in late August, you can also be hot headed. Therefore, Sardonyx is perfect to wear to boost your self-control. Sardonyx is also a highly protective stone, used by Greeks and Romans during battle to bring courage and victory. Sardonyx is actually a mix of Onyx and Carnelian so it brings the healing properties of both stones. Wear Sardonyx to bring confidence, creativity, integrity, motivation and discipline. For those of you born in August with a lack of assertiveness, wearing Peridot will increase your confidence and assertiveness. Peridots have also been known to boost strength and bring more prosperity. 
Birthstone Jewellery For August
Because Peridot vibrates strongly with the heart chakra, I recommend wearing Peridot in a necklace. Wearing Peridot is also said to heal ulcers and heart and lung problems. This stone also helps the wearer let go of anger and feel more at ease.

September Birthstone – Sapphire 

Everyone knows that those born in September are perfectionists and pay great attention to detail, but sometimes have difficulty with communication. Those born in September are often full of wisdom, which makes the “wisdom stone”, Sapphire a perfect fit. Wearing Sapphire helps those with communication problems to express themselves more freely. Sapphires are believed to bring good fortune, spiritual insight and protection, and were worn by medieval clergy to symbolize heaven. Sapphire has also been known to heal headaches, fevers, eye problems and ear problems.
Birthstone Jewellery For September
Sapphire is best used with the throat chakra for improving your ability to communicate your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Wearing Sapphire also helps prevent you from shutting down emotionally and can help calm and focus the mind.

October Birthstones – Tourmaline, Opal

The coolest thing about the two October Birthstones is that they can be a wide range of colours and sometimes multi-coloured. A lot of you born in October have the gift of gab, but will sometimes be too agreeable, not expressing your own opinions. To promote more self-confidence and diminish fear, you should wear Tourmaline daily. This stone also brings compassion, strength and understanding. Opal is a stone of inspiration, which can increase your creativity and help with easing into a major change in your life. Opal can enhance your memory and physically heal headaches and boost the immune system.
Birthstone Jewellery for October
Tourmaline kept close to the heart will help heal heart conditions and ward off negative energy. Pink Tourmaline helps release stress and can even improve your sense of smell. Also a great stone for depression and motion sickness.

November Birthstones – Topaz, Citrine

Another lucky group of people to have more than one birthstone are those born in November. Speaking of lucky, Citrine is called the “success stone” and is thought to bring good luck and success. Also, Topaz is a stone of good fortune. Combining your motivation with the powers of citrine and topaz is sure to bring great success in your life. Those of you born in November happen to be vengeful, so wearing Topaz daily will help bring forgiveness of others instead of that urge for revenge. Topaz will also help stabilize your emotions and release tension.
Birthstone Jewellery For November
Topaz can be found in many colours with blue being my personal favourite. Blue Topaz is said to bring wisdom and aid in communication. Perfect to wear in a necklace, this stone can also help with digestion issues.

December Birthstones – Tanzanite, Zircon, Turquoise 

Being born in December, you are most likely optimistic and very confident. Most born in December also have a sort of sixth sense, and Tanzanite has a high vibration that helps develop psychic powers. This powerful stone will also help accelerate spiritual growth. Zircon crystals have been used for years to simulate diamonds and can be found in a wide range of colours, red being the most prized. Zircon is an excellent stone for developing your intuition. Turquoise is the most common stone of the three and is known for its protective powers. Native Americans have been using this stone for hundreds of years to protect against evil and physical harm.
Birthstone Jewellery for December
Out of the three, I would choose blue Tanzanite, because of its strong healing powers and excellent value. Best when worn closest to the heart chakra, a Tanzanite necklace is my choice for aiding in communication and spiritual growth. Especially effective for those born in December, blue Tanzanite has been known to bring on clairvoyant abilities. Combining Tanzanite with a Diamond will also help with commitment, which those born in December may need.


Alternate Names or Spellings: Tiger Eye, Brown Tiger Eye, Golden Tiger Eye
Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger's eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger's eye brings a special boost to the Solar Plexus Chakra, and to one's personal power.
WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC FENG SHUI PROPERTIES OF TIGERS EYE? In feng shui, tigers eye is used for its protection and clearing properties. You can find tigers eye's energy employed in various feng shui cures, from Wind chimes, pi yao yao and balls to specific feng shui carvings such as mandarin ducks, hearts, etc.
Metaphysically, tigers eye is attributed many healing properties; here are the most popular ones.
A tigers eye:
  • Brings insight into complex situations
  • Protects from negative energies
  • Helps focus the mind
  • Attracts good luck
  • Can deepen one's meditative state
  • Grounds and centers personal energy.
  • Dispels fears
  • Promotes mental clarity
Tigers eye is one of the birthstones of the astrological sign of Capricorn.



Blue Goldstone is the master healer.
Blue Goldstone connects one with the Divine and provides one with wisdom, energy and courage. Assisting with learning and communication, it teaches one to see the light at the end of the darkness and that everything is the source of energy and vibration.
Blue Goldstone is one of the best stones for Empaths, people dealing with hypersensitivity.
Blue Goldstone vibrates at the frequencies of new beginnings and balance. Associated with the Throat Chakra, it encourages acceptance of who we are, to express authenticity and no longer deny our truth.
Blue Goldstone is associated with the metaphysical properties of Copper.
[CHAKRA(s):] HeartThroatThird-EyeCrown
Energy Vibration: 3
Element: Fire and Earth
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Planet: Uranus

  • Power
  • Love
  • Protection
  • Money
  • Diminishes Psychosomatic Ailments
  • Protects Against Psychic Attacks
  • Guards Against Unwanted Energies
  • Protects Psychic and Empathic Sensitivities
  • Protects From Diseases of The Skeletal System
  • Learning
  • Communication
  • Telepathy
  • Empathy
  • Perceptions
  • Channeling
  • Good Luck
  • Energy
  • Courage
  • Ambition
  • Balance
  • Purity
  • New Beginnings
  • Higher Vibrations
  • Motivation
  • Self-Discovery
  • Self-Expression
  • Invisibility


  • Use to increase telepathic communication
  • Enhances empathic and hypersensitive abilities
  • Helps one gain recognition
  • Helpful for children who are afraid of the dark
  • Encourages the discovery and acceptance of authentic self
  • Attracts fame and success
  • Aids the development of invisibility
  • Very strong generator of energy (use when more energy is needed)
  • Helps to calm and focus the mind
  • Aids in the channeling of psychic information
  • Provides composure and stabilizes emotions
  • Lifts the spirit and raises our vibration to higher octaves
  • Effective in the transmission of healing energies from the Heart, Throat and Third-Eye
  • Useful For Migraines
  • Enhance Eye-Sight
  • Reduces Stomach Tension
  • Heals Psychosomatic Ailments
  • Use To Conquer Bulimia and Anorexia
  • Heals Tonsillitis
  • Heals Angina
  • Helps With Pain
  • Helps With Inflammation


Agate is made of fibrous chalcedony.
There are two types of banding in Agates.
Wall lining banding is where the individual banding runs perpendicular to the orientation and growth direction of the chalcedony fibres.
Horizontal banding consists of fine, irregular spaced layers of small chalcedony spherulites.
There are other types of chalcedony that are banded, this is due to the layers of another mineral such as sard being laid down between the layers of chalcedony as the stone is growing.
Agate is translucent and vitreous when polished.

  • Green Agate enhances mental and emotional flexibility and improves decision making. It is useful in resolving disputes. Green Agate also strengthens, opens and activates the Heart Chakra.

Why Would You Use Agate?

Turritella Agate has a strengthening and stabilizing energy that will help you in your daily tasks. It will help you balance your energies and direct them appropriately.  The energies of Agate will calm, elevate, and uplift you. Even if you’re having a very busy and crazy day, you will still be able to relax and find peace and solitude.
Agate will also make sure that positive energies flow through you non-stop. It will keep you energised and empowered. It will keep you feeling positive and uplifted.
Negative energies will be dispelled, and you will be protected from any kind of negative attack on your body, heart, mind, and spirit.
The energies of Agate will keep you inspired, motivated, creative, and productive.
It’s a stone that will also fill your life with joy, gladness, and optimism. Whenever you feel low and uninspired, Agate will infuse you with happy and fun energies to make you feel better.
This stone will stimulate your mind and emphasize all your wonderful traits. It will encourage you to make use of your talents and gifts to change your life for the better.  Agate will show you that the possibilities are endless, and you can go follow the path that best resonates with you!
It will encourage you to do some self-examination just to know where you are in your life and how you feel about it as a whole.
This stone will curb your desire to accomplish many things all at once, even the things that you don’t need to do. It will help you better manage your time so that you will not feel overwhelmed.
Montana Agate is a good grounding stone that will help you centre, stabilise, and direct your energies.

Agate, Healing and Health

Agate is a helpful stone during pregnancy because it can help new mom's avoid having the baby blues right after giving birth. The energies of this stone can also increase lactation.
It can be beneficial to the intestines and the stomach.
It’s known to be good for the eyes and healing to the skin. It can help in the treatment of skin-related illnesses and irritations.
Wearing Agate close to your heart can improve the functions of the heart and the lungs. It’s helpful to the blood vessels, and it can strengthen your cardiac muscles as well.


Agate Meaning and Healing Properties
Though the color of agate varies depending on the type, this popular stone long remarked for its beauty can be identified by its signature bands and translucent luster. Agate forms as a result of igneous rock marrying with the silica deposits in groundwater. The colorful bands that give the semi-precious stone its trademark bands are layers of agate deposits that develop on top of each other. Agates are banded types of chalcedony that come in a range of colors including pink, red, brown, white, purple, black, gray and yellow. This palette array comes from the impurities within the groundwater’s composition. As agate stone belongs to the quartz family, it has a trigonal crystal system and a durability Mohs score of 7. This cryptocrystalline mineral is made up of silicon dioxide, a plentiful composition explaining why agates can be found so commonly around the world in places like Brazil, Egypt, Nepal, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico and the USA

Agate Meaning

Agate gets it’s name from the place where it was first located in ancient Sicily. The philosopher Theophrastus found an agate stone when walking along the shore of the river Achates. Agate meaning differs from civilization to civilization. Ancient Islamic cultures believed that agate could ward off the evil eye and tragedies. Similarly, Babylonians also believed that agate properties could be used to dispel evil energy. The ancient Egyptians, however, believed agate meaning to refer to as many things as protection against natural disasters like lightning, protection from thirst and as having the ability to deliver powers of speech. Persians also believed that agate stone could be used to defend against storms. The power of agate gemstone to the ancient Chinese was more internal. They believed that agate crystal meaning was one of spiritual protection, and could stimulate one’s life force while cleansing their mind to make space for good luck and fortune. By the Medieval times, the belief surrounding agate properties was that it could deliver a plentiful harvest if tied to the horns of an oxen.

Agate Healing Properties

Agate crystals vibrate on a lower, more gentle frequency. There are many types of agate that provide different healing properties depending on their variety. In general though, agate healing properties are slow and steady. They aren’t as intense as crystals like clear quartz or selenite, but they radiate a soft strength to ground the spirit with a sense of stability. Agate properties connect with the energy of the Earth. They are thought to bring harmony to all aspects of the being, physical, spiritual and emotional. Using agate during times of unbalance, when it feels as if the yin and yang within you are operating out of proportion, can reintroduce an equilibrium to your tempered soul. Blue Lace Agate is ideal for those who have trouble speaking their mind. The agate heal properties of this variety use the soft vibrations to ease the tension within the throat, and allow fluidity between mind and mouth. This agate, which features light blue and white bands, carries with it the energy of water to usher in waves of confidence that are not overwhelming, but constant. In contrast, moss agate, a light green stone known for it’s pure essence with is more closely associated with the element of the earth. It is best for people who are seeking the fortitude for long lasting endurance. If you are struggling with addiction or to implement healthy habits, moss agate healing properties are beneficial for manifesting goals, seeing things through and providing soft and steady support. Purple sage agate is another variety of the chalcedony family. Linked to the element of wind, this type has agate healing properties that are better for the overstimulated. If you are already feeling overwhelmed, another crystal may deliver frequencies that only add to the overactivity of the mind. Instead, purple sage agate will cleanse the auric field with light vibrations that gently ease the mind and spirit.

Red Agate is a protection stone. 
This stone shields the wearer from negative energies and helps get rid of fera and anxiety. This gemstone is very calming; it helps balance the Muladhara (root) chakra and allows you to stay grounded during stressful or emotional times. Red Agate attracts health and prosperity; it also encourages selflessness or acts of kindness that comes from the heart.



Agate mineral rocks are one of the most long-appreciated natural gemstones with a history that goes all the way back to the Neolithic era. There are many different types of agate. Each variety shares the agate benefits that are at the heart of agate meaning; however, each different agate variety adds its own particular agate properties for enhanced agate meaning.Agate is a variety of banded chalcedony, which is a type of mineral rock within the quartz family. Some of the agate properties included in agate meaning are common throughout all banded chalcedony stones and quartz crystals. These commonalities are to be expected, since there are similarities in their composition.

Agate stones were originally found in Sicily along the banks of the Achetes River, hence the name agate. The use of agate gemstones for the agate healing properties at the heart of agate meaning go all the way back to the age of Babylon. The healing properties of agate were utilized in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Their agate powers eventually reached Africa and spread through the Middle East to Russia. In the 1400's, the stone cutting and polishing business took off in Germany, thanks to these beautiful banded chalcedony stones. The business turned into a full-blown industry and is still going strong today.


The spiritual healing properties of agate facilitate growth and stability, in keeping with agate meaning. Agate powers encourage quiet introspection and contemplation, providing a soothing, supportive energy for spiritual growth and confidence in your spirituality.
Fire agate has wonderful agate healing properties for spiritual healing and growth. Fire agate is often brown, a color of stability, with flashes of gold, green, orange and red. These additional agate properties impart prosperity, happiness, confidence and enthusiasm. Fire agate dispels deep-seeded fears as it aligns the physical and etheric body to provide balanced energy and stability, in keeping with agate meaning.
Fire agate meaning in Divination states: A chance to achieve your heart̢۪s desire, but beware of sudden temptation.
General agate meaning in Divination states: Consider both sides before making a decision.
Agate crystals strengthen or help establish a connection to Guardian Angels. Different types of agate tend to be favored by different Guardian Angels. Fire agate is one of the favorite agate crystal varieties for Guardian Angels, in general, but other types can attract them as well.
Agate mineral rocks bring various energies in Feng Shui, depending on the type of agate. Following are examples of some of the more common agates and their Feng Shui energies:
  • Moss agate provides wood energy, which encourages new beginnings, expansion, vitality and growth. It is placed in the east or southeast end of a room or home.
  • Fire agate generally provides fire energy, although fire agate crystals with lots of green and brown provide wood energy and those that are pale brown provide earth energy. Fire energy crystals are placed in the south end of a room or home while earth energy crystals go in the northeast or southwest areas.
  • Blue lace agate crystals impart water energy in Feng Shui. They encourage stillness and quiet. These crystals are placed in the north end of a home or room that is most often used for quiet reflection and relaxation.


Physical healing properties of agate mineral rocks are helpful in the areas of the digestive system and hollow organs like the uterus, intestines and stomach, providing calming, soothing vibrations, in keeping with agate meaning. Agate crystals can also help heal skin problems, especially allergic reactions and itching from insect bites. Agate stones help keep eyes healthy, too.
Agate healing properties extend to the heart and circulatory system as well. Imparting strength in keeping with agate meaning. This type of banded chalcedony strengthens the heart to facilitate improved circulation.
Agate gemstones can help reduce a fever, epilepsy symptoms and sleepwalking.
How to use agate:
  • Wear agate jewelry. A pendant that holds the agate gemstone over the heart is excellent for heart health and the circulatory system.
  • Place a chilled agate gemstone directly on the forehead to reduce a fever.
  • Put an agate gemstone on the abdomen to improve digestion and reduce gastritis. Carrying an agate crystal in a pants pocket can be beneficial for digestion throughout the day when you are on the move.
  • Take an agate elixir or agate essences to help combat digestive troubles and send the healing benefits at the heart of agate meaning coursing through your veins to every part of your body.


The emotional healing properties of agate instill improved perceptions and a better grasp of reality. Analytical abilities and concentration are improved with agate healing benefits. The supportive, soothing vibrations at the heart of agate meaning facilitate self-analysis, honesty and self-acceptance. The balancing agate benefits included in agate meaning bring negativity under control to encourage a more positive outlook. Bitterness and anger fall away, improving positivity and the desire and ability to move forward in life.


There are agate birthstones for some fortunate people. All of the agate benefits at the heart of agate meaning are magnified for you if it is your birthstone. Agate birthstones are as follows:
  • Crazy lace agate birthstones belong to those born from October 22 to November 20 if the predominant color is red. If the crazy lace agate is mainly scarlet, then it is the agate birthstone for people who celebrate their birthday between September 25 and October 21.
  • Blue lace agate birthstones belong to those born between February 19 and March 19. This agate birthstone is especially calming, as support by agate meaning.
  • Agate stone in general is the ancient birthstone for people born in May and June.
  • Moss agate is the modern birthstone for people born in January and September.


Agate benefits at the heart of agate meaning are especially powerful for anyone who has an agate zodiac stone. Agate zodiac stones belong to the following:
  • Blue lace agate and crazy lace agate are the zodiac stones for those born under the zodiac sign Gemini. They celebrate their birthday between May 21 and June 20.
  • Blue lace agate is the zodiac stone for people born under the zodiac sign Pisces. They celebrate their birthday between February 19 and March 20.
  • Fire agate is the modern birthstone for people born under the zodiac sign Aries and Virgo. They celebrate their birthday between March 21 and April 19 or between August 23 and September 22, respectively.


Agate chakra, in general, is wonderful for the aura. Agate vibrations eliminate negative energies and encourage positive energy for balance and harmony, in keeping with agate crystal meaning. Agate chakra is very cleansing for all of the chakras and there is an agate for every chakra.
Certain types of agate can be used with specific chakras:
  • Blue lace agate resonates with the throat chakra and the Third Eye or brow chakra.
  • Crazy lace agate resonates with the Third Eye or brow chakra.
  • Fire agate can resonate with several chakras, depending on its primary color. Red and brown fire agates resonate with the base or root chakra. Fire agate that is primarily gold or orange resonate with the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra. Fire agates that are primarily green resonate with the heart chakra.
  • Laguna agate resonates with the base or root chakra. This is especially true of Laguna agate crystals that are primarily scarlet or red.
  • Moss agate resonates with the heart chakra.
Use your agates to activate, cleanse and balance your chakras. Either lie down and place the appropriate type of agate on the appropriate chakra, beginning with the root and working your way up, or wear agate jewelry above each chakra if you prefer to sit. A necklace or two will, of course, hold the agate near your heart and throat chakra and you can even use hair clips to position an agate pendant or necklace over the Third Eye. Agate brooches work nicely for the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras.


January Birthstone –  Garnet Most born in January are ambitious, but sometimes lack confidence and self-esteem. Since the healing powers ...