As a child i have always been open to the unknown the spiritual world Ghost Spirits the world that we cant normal see i'v always been able to hear them and sometimes as a child this did scare me and i would never want to sleep alone as i grew older i learnt to except the things around me and except that it has all been happening for a reason!
One subject and interest came to me as a child and that was death what happens where do you go how do i get there? i was brought up as a christian and many times would bring up death hell and the devil is it all true i drove some people mad i know i did but i had so many questions ones that no one i knew could answer now as i have learnt and open my eyes i have no fear which ables me to ghost hunt to gather evidence for the world that we do live on after here but this subject is on out of body experiences i have been inspired to use this subject to do a blog on as a carer nurse i used to work on the end of life unit and did this for over 3 years, being with people while they pass over is very beautiful that i have experienced they all have their own experiences this blog is on peoples true experiences of out of body experiences that i'm gathering along my journey..

I know this is a subject every living person is always questioning and fearing but it is a subject that brought me to spirituality in the 1st place which is DEATH and the super natural what is it where do we go then my dad as i got older told me he had an out of body experience as well as he was saved through a miracle by Jesus that started the interest with time this subject has really drawn me closer and closer in to finding the truth!!
with time i have more and more people with the same experiences some of these people were also patients of mine as i was an end of life carer for over 3 years sadly this meant i seen a lot of people pass over but i will tell you each one had an experience and none of those did i ever see pass over scared they were all more than happy to leave!!
this has now inspired me to write them down so i have now finally gave in and started writing a blog that hopefully will be published eventually to share with the whole world...

YOU CAN SEND IT TO ME AT joanne7746@gmail.com

This story i'm sharing with you was told to me by my dad..
My dad hit the age between 16-20 was the time when became very sick with complaints in his tummy area which the doctors became stuck to finding out exactly what could be causing him all the pain.
this concluded with him finally going into surgery for an exploratory eternal examination, as he was on the operating table and as they cut him open his experience started to happen, before long he realized he was feeling very light and weightless and then he noticed by looking down on himself that he had stepped outside of his body he was then looking down on the doctors operating on his stomach to the extent where he could hear everything he didn't feel any pain of the operation but could see and hear still and explained after the conversation that the doctors where having at the time which he was told it was the medication that he had is making everything feel like its real but years and years later he knew it within him self that this was the truth that he had an out of body experience and it felt great he said a lot more lighter than the body.....
this was a time my dad was very poorly which in the end resulted him having a 3rd of his colon and intestines removed and being diagnosed with Crohns disease which he ended up fighting and battling for over 50 years since this...
                                                                                                        Testimony by  (David Beadsworth)

As the Crohns started effecting his whole body one of the main things he used to get was flare ups that would give him abyss's eternally that would cause great pain and sickness and as these things are full of poison puss was told if they reach to a certain size they would need to re-operate to stop any danger zones which my dad was always so worried about mainly he had so many operations to find these disease in the 1st place and i think any more operations he would of refused any way so it was a scary time and very painful time for him.
This one time i would like to share with you all he had a very bad abyss that would causing a lot of pain my mom finally called the doctor which my dad told her not to do, and the doctor came by now my dad was refined to his bed and couldn't even find the strength to get out of bed the doctor had examined him and concluded that now he needs to go into surgery and get this removed as he cannot get out of bed he just didn't have the energy to fit any bacteria that was in his body.
With desperation as he felt weaker and weaker he remembered the verse in the bible that Jesus promised and offered healing through the blood of Jesus you are saved!
As he cried out with every bit of strength and air that he had begging Jesus to save him from this pain and surgery options he asked him to heal his body so he can stand on his own feet again and live my life, which he had a reply saying you will never suffer what Jesus Christ did on the cross
now get out of bed and stand on your feet!!
which my dad replied i cant stand up i'm in bed because i'm riddled with pain through this abyss it is paralyzing my body!!
He then heard get out of bed and walk down stairs!!
After awhile curiosity got the best of him and he finally stepped his feet on the ground and got out of bed with the faith of finally doing that he realized while walking down the stairs that this was the miracle of Jesus as he stepped into the kitchen where my mom was she was open mouthed in shock to see my dad walking down the steps and totally speechless. until my dad said Jesus visited me and healed me it has gone i'am healed by Jesus he told me so!!
A few days later he made an appointment to see his Doctor and lets remember the last time my dad's doctor had seen him was confined to his bed at home very weak and worrying, so the Doctor was literally the same as my moms reaction was open mouthed shock to see my dad not only out of bed but up out and about at the doctors surgery, the doctors exact words where you know who you have got the thank for this and this was after re-examining him and by his complete shock and surprise there wasn't even a trace of the abyss in sight its like it wasn't there in the 1st place he replied you have been healed!!
                                                                                                      Testimony by  (David Beadsworth)

This one has been approved from a very good member i have in my group on facebook!!

Stephanie Wall    (FROM AMERICA)
My stepfather was put in hospice after a major stroke. He wasn't spiritual. I believe and so did the family that he hung on longer because he was nervous to go. I left the room and went into the waiting room to meditate. I was hoping to help him walk a lil closer. I knew I obviously couldn't take him all the way. I came out of meditation as the chair I was sitting in was rocking all over the place. I have out of body experiences a lot since my birth father died when I was a teen. I think I was reentering my body after walking with my stepfather towards the light. I've had several during situations like this!

 I'm honored to add the next story off someone i have met along my spiritual path this beautiful soul has been blessed with not 1 after death experience but 3 he has gone and come back with a story to tell each time God Bless you my friend you are God's miracle testimony to this date!!!!

Armando Resendez  from California 
Hello everyone my name is Armando and I want to share one of my near-death experiences. In the summer of 2007 I was going through a rough depression I had lost my father in January of the same year I started self-medicating by drinking on a daily basis almost and on one occasion while drinking in my garage nobody around I broke a bottle on the ground out of anger because of everything that was going on I remember stepping on the glass and blood gushing out of my foot. The next thing I remember I had collapsed and fainted and in the process I knocked a few things over. I remember seeing like a tunnel like if I was in a mineshaft looking out and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I was moving very quickly I could barely make out some Silhouettes what appear to be people I never got to the end of the tunnel as I regained consciousness and what seemed like a long time had passed.

I woke up in a puddle of blood not keep in mind this was during the summer of 2007 I was living in Los Angeles the temperature was in the nineties and I was cold I had lost a lot of blood. I woke up shivering and scared wondering what just happened as I lifted myself up and I sat my bloody self on the chair I noticed the blood that was gushing out of my foot was no longer doing that. I sat there in astonishment how in God's name did the blood gushing out of my quick stop bleeding I was sure I hit an artery..

I didn't understand what was going on I started to pray and I put a bandage on my foot where the blood was gushing and no longer was and I was debating to go to the hospital or not something totally don't go you're okay I listened and I went in the house to drink some juice and water and try to relax I was very drained and I was okay I didn't have to go to the hospital this was a miracle and it was my first near death experience God is very real and there is a heaven and there are guardian angels I'm testimony to that..


Sandy Dearringer (FROM AMERICA)
The last time I was sick about a month ago,I saw the big Beautiful light of Heaven and I was slowly flowing to it as it felt so calming,soothing, just a feeling that's hard to explain,but my mom stopped me at the entrance of the big,Harmony feeling light.She put her hands on both of my shoulders and said "It's not time" "Its not your time"I got a strong feeling as if someone was telling me to go back into my body.But I wanted to go and wanted to see,feel the touch of my mom again,to hear her voice again,be with her too.Then the next thing I know.My son,a friend was next to me waking me up and telling me that I'm sick and I have to go to the hospital. I told them I didn't feel like it as I was to weak to even get up.My son pick me up,put my coat on,grabbed my purse,walked me to the vehicle and took me to the local hospital. I was treated for pneumonia, severe,UTI infection that was so severe that it was infecting my kidney badly.I stayed a couple days in the hospital.I was given high doses of antibiotics, fluids.Then came home after 3 days.Heavens big,wonderful, very calming, soothing light was so incredible. I felt as if all of my problems,illnesses wasn't with me anymore when I was there to the heaven entrance!


Marie Adams  (FROM ENGLAND)
This writing i see it keeps happening but i tell you i'm defiantly awake its like the writing is like hieroglyphics and its bright but clear. Its in my bedroom or living room and i'm always relaxed and peaceful i even touch the walls to make sure i'm awake. I only move when the writing has gone but it scrolls. This has only happened this last year its so strange have you heard of this as its new to me and never heard of it... (it all up and it always happens at 3 am)

Cathy Saddler Has anyone here ever experienced a near death experience? I'd like to hear about it.
Recently, I've been reading other people's accounts of NDE and they're all so similar.

I honestly believe that my NDE at such a young age, is the biggest reason that I've never lost my faith in God. I've never doubted that He would walk through this life with me. No matter what. Even when I knew that I was not living in God's will, I knew that He would never desert me. Because when I was 5 He literally told me He never would.

Here's my story.
When I was 5 y.o. I drowned in a lake. And I remember it like it was yesterday. 
I just wanted to jump off the dock into the water, like my older brother's and sisters were doing. It looked like so much fun. And I guess which ever sibling that was supposed to watch me didn't. So I went unnoticed as I walked to the end of the dock and jumped in.
But it was not scary at all. It was quiet and weightless. 
And the light coming towards me was getting bigger very fast. Then suddenly I was holding Jesus hand. And we were walking along a neat, beautifully kept path. 
The colors were so much more vibrant than normal. Everything was breathtakingly beautiful. 
My daddy had died when I was three. And soon after our walk/talk, Jesus took me to my daddy. 
Even at 5, I seemed to understand everything perfectly. Communication was not really verbal, but through thought. There were no negative emotions at all. But even better than that, the positive emotions were even more joyous than anything we have ever experienced here. Heaven is truly indescribable. 
Well, eventually, Jesus tried to explain to me that I had to go back. But I didn't want to go back. I begged Him to let me stay! But He held me so lovingly and tried to explain to me that my mom and many other people needed me more. Well I still don't remember agreeing to come back. 
But all of sudden I was in my mom's arm's. We were both soaking wet and coughing and choking. And she was crying and calling my name and squeezing me really hard. 
I remember telling her that I saw Jesus. And through her tears she told me it was just a dream.

The total lack of negative emotions in Heaven is impossible to describe. The other side is totally peaceful, totally harmonious, totally joyous....
It is completely and utterly 100% unconditional love. 
There's NO negativity there. None!
It is the most unforgettable feeling ever.
I still remember it like it was yesterday. 
And I truly am looking forward to the day I can go back.
But for now, I'm here. 
As long as God needs me to be.

Love and light

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