ANGEL CARD READING:               


card 1 NO CARD: As i was reading your NO card i got a sense of deep emotion in my SACRAL CHAKRA: i felt that you have asked for some reassurance off a loved one or spirit maybe asked your angels for their help in this area that is causing you deep pain i feel that they are telling you here that now is not the time but you will get your answers in the angel timing they will pick this time for you

card 2 PERFECT TIMING; you have come to a perfect timing in your life i feel that you have been struggling for sometime with a situation and things havnt been very easy at all for you at times, the angels are stating that you have crossed that crossroad and the time has come back around for you to overcome your goals and achievements your angels are with you guiding you along the way

card 3 THE SITUATION WILL IMPROVE: as i was reading this card for you i came over really strange i started to feel very shaky deep pain coming from my stomach i feel very nervous and anxious, i feel the angels strongly here trying to helpyou improve your situation. i feel a strong male pressence making this situation worse and its getting out of control the angels will move you in the right direction in time your emotions are all over the place right now ask them for help they are waiting ready to assist you......

Oh my dear Jo. My heart has been pounding since I looked at the 3 cards. Your reading on all 3 are spot on.....they are prefect!!!! I'm feeling a bit nervous with card 3 but I shall be asking for help as I feel my stress is still unsettled and I need assistance still. Thank you so much for reading for me. 



This is the question that was spinning around in my head as every time i see a picture with an native american in they are wearing turquoise of some sort this is what i have found so far with my  native american research since on my spiritual awakening path i have a very strong link to native Americans and their music it really soothes my soul any way this is what i found.....

Legend has it that the Native American Indians danced and rejoiced when the rains came. Their tears of joy mixed with the rain and seeped into Mother Earth to become SkyStone Turquoise.
Turquoise, the "fallen sky stone" hidden in Mother Earth, has been valued by cultures for its beauty and reputed spiritual and life-giving qualities for over 7000 years. It is a true gem of the centuries. A long time ago someone noticed a clear blue line running through gray rock, and saw the imagery of sky and water in stone, and from that time on, turquoise has been cherished above all else in creation - turquoise, stone of sky, stone of water, stone of blessings, good fortune, protection, good health and long life.

Elsewhere, turquoise may come and go with fashion. Here turquoise is more precious than gold, an enduring expression of Native American Indian culture. It is the birthstone of December and signifies success.
There is a wonderful fascination to turquoise, a feeling that takes hold of a person who comes in contact with it for a while. The fascination has been the same down through the centuries and it has been prized for thousands of years through many countries of the world.
Native American Indians had as many different words for turquoise as there were languages spoken. Many of the words translated into English as the sky stone evoking the sky-blue shade of the stone most commonly found. Native Americans had been working turquoise mines with stone mauls and antler picks for centuries before the arrival of the Europeans.
Native Americans believe that the earth is alive and that all things, no matter how small or apparently inanimate, are precious. To the Native Americans, turquoise is life. There are stones medicine men keep in their sacred bundles because they possess powers of healing. Stones and crystals have unique attributed that support and heal us. Turquoise, especially, is known for its positive healing energy, an aid in mental functions, communications and expression and as a protector. If you’re wearing a turquoise ring and you look down and see a crack in your stone, the Native Americans would say “the stone took it”, meaning the stone took the blow that you would have received.



The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through.
Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely. Here's our quick summary:

1. <a>Root Chakra</a> - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
  • Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
  • Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.
  • More on <a>Root Chakra healing</a>

2. <a>Sacral Chakra</a> - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
  • Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
  • Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.
  • More on <a>Sacral Chakra healing</a>

3. <a>Solar Plexus Chakra</a> - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.
  • Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
  • Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.
  • More on <a>Solar Plexus Chakra healing</a>

4. <a>Heart Chakra</a> - Our ability to love.
  • Location: Center of chest just above heart.
  • Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.
  • More on <a>Heart Chakra healing</a>

5. <a>Throat Chakra</a> - Our ability to communicate.
  • Location: Throat.
  • Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth.
  • More on <a>Throat Chakra healing</a>

6. <a>Third Eye Chakra</a> - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
  • Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra)
  • Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.
  • More on <a>Third Eye Chakra healing</a>

7. <a>Crown Chakra</a> - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.
  • Location: The very top of the head.
  • Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.
  • More on <a>Crown Chakra healing</a>


hello and welcome let me introduce myself.....

My name is Jo I'm Training as a medium at present.....
I'm a mother of 3 beautiful children 2 boys and 1 girl I feel blessed iv always been quite open to the spirit world and have had numerous of experiences up until 4 months ago i didn't take anything much further other than going to church and doing some bible classes which helped me to understand what was happening or so i thought.

i lost my dad in January 2015 just a few months ago which was a very hard and upsetting thing to go through nether to say the lease but this also changed my whole perceptive of the world. My dad was my whole life this was the hardest thing iv ever had to do and only god knew this i prayed and prayed for over a year, i got an answer back but it was'nt the 1 i wanted he replied that i was losing my dad but i will never loose my father in heaven from that day my life had changed i received strength and healing for when i needed it and slowly over time i received the gift of hearing, i could hear my father loud and clear. When the time came for my dad to be cared for at the end of his life i was helping to take care of him in a nursing home i decided to give me life up for 4 days and be with him which is what i did when that finally minute came to say goodbye i was able to say good bye with strength and love and it became the most precious moment of my life i no where the strength came i dont need to ask...... people that don't understand me have often said some nasty things already about how iv changed but all i can is i never wanted to become a medium or even learn any of this i turned my back on all of that before i did used to do tarot cards after a few years of saying NO to spirit it came back so i now no this is defiantly meant to be and is a call from God to help him with his work i have done quite a few photo readings on line and making people happy and bringing a closure into their life really full-fills me it makes me completely happy.....
i have been doing photo readings for roughly 4 months they have been very successful and is good for my training procedure....

I have always felt spirit around me since i was a child and never got to meet my grandmother always smelt perfume around me it over powered the room i would be in when i was 21 i would say i met her then i lived close to the graveyard didnt no any of this at the time she put me in a trance and i found her grave and i properly grieved over her since then i have only got more and more from her she is helping me with my mediumship training and iv recently found out she was a medium when she was here and non of this i actually did no....

please feel free and take a good look around

I wanted to share with others about my experience and explain to others why i feel so passionate about the spirit world.....

Many Thanks for visting x x x x love and light x x x x


But it will become easier,and quicker, with practise...
At first you should cWhen you initially do this exercise it will seem to take along time,onduct the exercise sitting down,
But later on you will be able to do do it standing up, if you wish...


  1. Sit comfortable in a chair, with both feet flat on the floor...
    If your feet dont reach the floor, place a cussion beneath them,
    If it is pysically impossible for you to place your feet on the floor,
    Do so in your imagination instead...

  2. Take three deep breaths
    releasing any tension

    that you feel on each breath then breath normally

  3. Imagine that roots are growing out of the soles of your feet down into the ground,
    It helps to imgaine that your feet are enormous so that you can create more roots,
    Hearing or seeing these roots penetrating deep into the earths crust,
    Down into the centre of the planet, know that they are growing and multiplying...
    And in doing so are connecting you to the energy and solidity of the earth.

  4. Now imagine that energy from the earth is being sent up the roots into your feet,
    And is filling your whole body with the white light...
    you might like to imagine that the energy flows in with each In-Breath...
    Until your entire body is suffused with light...



<a></a><a>Grounding your self is very important it helps to clear negative energies</a>><a></a><a></a><a> </a><a>HowTo Ground Your Spiritual Energy</a><a> </a>
It requires extra effort to ground your energy when you are a spiritual person or going through a spiritual awakening. When you are opening up to higher spiritual awareness and downloading many different frequencies of energy, you must be completely grounded to the Earth in order to not burn out your system. There are ways to physically ground so you will be calm and centered and be able to speak your Soul's message with clarity and confidence.
When you are ungrounded you will pick up thoughts and feelings from your surroundings that do not belong to you. You will feel off balance and your energy will be anxious. This is an issue for people who are extremely empathic. I have had an issue with this for most of my life, so I have had to learn ways to ground myself so that I can transmit my message truthfully and clearly. If you are picking up messages from other people, your thinking will be conflicted and these thoughts will not be in alignment with your true thoughts. You do not want to be picking up messages from the collective because these messages can be misguided. Your inner guidance will speak to you in a very powerful way when you are centered and grounded.
Over the years I have talked with many healers and spiritually aware people and have asked them how they ground their energy. I have never been given an answer that has satisfied me or has actually worked.Their main suggestion has always included a visualization method of connecting some sort of cord to the core of the Earth or putting up an imaginary force field around the body to protect it. If you are completely calm and grounded you do not need these kinds of techniques because negativity and psychic vampires are not attracted to someone who is confident in their spiritual power. Being very strong in your own inner knowing automatically repels such energies.
I am not discounting the fact that there are hard things going on in the world they will affect you if you are an empathic person, but if you are grounded you will have a much easier time being a solution to the problem rather than allowing these energies to overcome you.
These techniques are taken from years of experience trying to ground my own energy and higher self into my physical body. The grounding techniques below are all based in the physical realm in order to bring your spiritual awareness into everyday life.

Breathing:It sounds simple, but breathing and breath work will allow your body to completely relax and bring about an inner calmness to your entire being. Sitting for awhile before meditation and breathing in deeply through the nose and out through the mouth will do wonders for your overall sense of feeling grounded.
Meditation:Meditation is the most direct way to calm the mind and body, allowing all thoughts to pass through without letting them impact your inner state of well being. Practice at least 20 minutes per day for best results.
Yoga:Practicing Yoga regularly, at least 3 times per week, will have a dramatic effect on your overall well being. With just this practice alone you will move throughout your day with more confidence and theability to ground your own personal energy. Allow yourself to really Feel what it’s like to be in your body.
Running,Jogging, or Walking: This is a great way to allow your energy field to remove any unwanted debris that it may have gathered from your environment. Running creates a cleansing effect that clears the mind,body, and spirit. Add this to your weekly routine and see a huge improvement in your ability to ground.
Eating Grounding Foods: When you are feeling like you are floating and up in the clouds, eat foods that will ground you to the Earth. If you are a raw vegan like me you may want to eat a raw soup with many root vegetables in it because root vegetables are grown underground and have a very grounding energy signature. Avocados, dark leafy greens,nuts and seeds, or olive oil will also help you to ground your energy.
Cut Back on or Eliminate Caffeine: Caffeine can have an adverse effect on your nervous system; it will be hard to relax and remain calm if you are drinking coffee, tea, or soda too often. Allow yourself to enjoy it occasionally, but do not overdo it.
Take a Sea Salt Bath: This will help your body and auric field to clear itself. Salt has the ability to draw things out so it will remove energies and thought patterns that do not belong to you and center you in your own brilliant light field. These baths will also draw out toxins from the body. Sea Salt also has negative ions which will allow you stay calm and grounded more easily. Add some lavender essential oil for an extra calming effect. Olive oil can be added as well to keep your skin hydrated.
Walk Bare Foot on the Earth: What better way to get the Earth’s grounded energy than to feel the actual ground beneath your bare feet. Being out in Nature will improve your overall mood and energy and connect you to the natural rhythm of true inner being.

Get A Grounding Crystal to Keep With You: Crystals can be helpful companions if you want to feel grounded when you are out and cannot do other techniques. My favorite crystal that works well with my energy is Chrysostom, but there are so many others to choose from.You can carry your crystal with you in your bag, pocket, or wear it as a piece of jewelry.
Play Soft and Calming Music: Purchase yourself a relaxing music CD that you can play when you would like to calm and ground yourself. There are also many spiritual music options on YouTube. Play this music when you are doing anything like household chores, paperwork, or just to have on as background music. This simple exercise will bring you more harmony, peace, and calmness.
These are some practical ways to ground your energy and at the same time still speak your Spiritual Message. You are here to implement change and bring healing energy to other people and the Earth, if you are off in La La Land, no one will be able to relate with you in any kind of real way. People who are here that do not understand spiritual subjects will not understand you and become annoyed. Spiritual insights must be grounded in order to be understood here on Earth.


Clairaudience - hearing sounds from spirit - voice, songs, knocks, tapping etc

Clairvoyance - information that is gained from a person and recieving it via imagery..this can include future events and situations

Clairscent - smelling odours that originate from spirit

Clairsentient - feeling emotions from the living and from spirit

Claircognizance - knowing

Clairgustance - taste that comes from having the taste of something in your mouth that is not come from a physical source

Clairtangecy..impressions gained from connecting with the energy of an object belonging to a person

It is not unusual to have all of them..and all of us are born with at least one..once you recognise which can choose to develop it more to gain a better understanding how it works for you..others will develop over time and you may find the one you first started with starts to lessen hasnt disappeared or gone..but takes a back seat for awhile so you can strengthen other areas of your psychic development..


Hello every one and welcome to my new group!!
I have a group on Facebook with the same name please come and take a look at this group im offering readings on line which will include reading your angel cards too....
i have attached a note on the group which you are all welcome to read it will explain about me and my spiritual awakening in there please if anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to message me your all welcome...
i have successfully been reading on Facebook sites and my own group for nearly 5 months now and iv never looked back i'm enjoying my journey i'm training Reki at the moment level 1: and i'm also doing a Psychic development course with the BSY college

here on this page i have put together a few items that im intrested in and iv starting to sell for other people to enjoy them as much as me i make all of my bracelets myself and enjoy every minute of it..
hello welcome to my new page please take a look around i have various stones for healing and rekin energy in this blog will also explain some information about them... if any questions please feel free to email on facebook i will more than happy try to answer if im not online at the time i will respond to your message as soon as iam available iam a mother of 3 so this keeps me busy most of time this is something iv put together as my spare time so please take a look at my hobby Lol xx

Avarage size of each stone is approx. 2cm to 2.2cm Shape and natural markings of each stone may differ to that in the picture as no two crystals are identical:  

Physical Treats disorders of the eyes, the throat, the reproductive system and diverticular constrictions. Aids night vision. Focuses energy to meet challenges. Balances yin-yang energy. Aids the digestive system, strengthens the alignment of the spinal column and helps with the mending of broken bones. 

Mental/Emotional Symbol of inner strength. Encourages optimism. Enhances creativity. Aids concentration. Anchors subtle changes into the physical body. Increases confidence and reduces nervousness. Prompts admiration for the pure and the beautiful. Soothes and allows you to be uninhibited. 

SpiritualCan enhance psychic abilities.


Amethyst - stone of spirituality and contentment; balancesenergies of the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies; bestows stability,strength, invigoration and peace; soothing, calming and tranquilizinginfluence; assists in the assimilation of new ideas.
Iolite- helps one to enjoy each moment and to release discord from one's life; allows for progression toward the perfection; facilitates the acceptanceof responsibility; stimulates ones compass within.
Moonstone- associated with fertility, flow and growth; conveys goddessenergy; enhances perception, discernment, creativity and self-expression;stimulates confidence and composure; assists one in the total fulfillment ofdestiny.
Peridot- helps to regulate the physical, mental, emotional andintellectual cycles in ones life; provides a shield of protection around thebody; assists in the lessening of anger or jealousy, inspiring happiness withinthe self.
Citrine- boosts confidence and personal power; dissipates and transmutesnegativity; allows for clarification of problems; assists in acquiring wealth,and maintaining wealth; stimulates openness and helps smooth family or groupproblems.
Carnelian- provides for perceptiveness to situations; awakens onesinherent talents; protects against envy, fear, rage and banishes sorrow;produces inspiration from, and connectedness with the spiritual worlds.
Garnet-stone of health; extracts negative energy from the chakras;enhances commitment to others and to one's self; attracts devotion andexpressions of warmth and understanding from others; protective influence and acalming stable vitality; brings order to chaos.

Root Chakra = Garnet
Sacral Chakra = OrangeCarnelian
Solar Plexus Chakra = Citrine
Heart Chakra = Peridot
Throat Chakra = Aquamarine
Third Eye Chakra = Iolite
Crown Chakra = Amethyst


January Birthstone –  Garnet Most born in January are ambitious, but sometimes lack confidence and self-esteem. Since the healing powers ...