hello and welcome let me introduce myself.....

My name is Jo I'm Training as a medium at present.....
I'm a mother of 3 beautiful children 2 boys and 1 girl I feel blessed iv always been quite open to the spirit world and have had numerous of experiences up until 4 months ago i didn't take anything much further other than going to church and doing some bible classes which helped me to understand what was happening or so i thought.

i lost my dad in January 2015 just a few months ago which was a very hard and upsetting thing to go through nether to say the lease but this also changed my whole perceptive of the world. My dad was my whole life this was the hardest thing iv ever had to do and only god knew this i prayed and prayed for over a year, i got an answer back but it was'nt the 1 i wanted he replied that i was losing my dad but i will never loose my father in heaven from that day my life had changed i received strength and healing for when i needed it and slowly over time i received the gift of hearing, i could hear my father loud and clear. When the time came for my dad to be cared for at the end of his life i was helping to take care of him in a nursing home i decided to give me life up for 4 days and be with him which is what i did when that finally minute came to say goodbye i was able to say good bye with strength and love and it became the most precious moment of my life i no where the strength came i dont need to ask...... people that don't understand me have often said some nasty things already about how iv changed but all i can is i never wanted to become a medium or even learn any of this i turned my back on all of that before i did used to do tarot cards after a few years of saying NO to spirit it came back so i now no this is defiantly meant to be and is a call from God to help him with his work i have done quite a few photo readings on line and making people happy and bringing a closure into their life really full-fills me it makes me completely happy.....
i have been doing photo readings for roughly 4 months they have been very successful and is good for my training procedure....

I have always felt spirit around me since i was a child and never got to meet my grandmother always smelt perfume around me it over powered the room i would be in when i was 21 i would say i met her then i lived close to the graveyard didnt no any of this at the time she put me in a trance and i found her grave and i properly grieved over her since then i have only got more and more from her she is helping me with my mediumship training and iv recently found out she was a medium when she was here and non of this i actually did no....

please feel free and take a good look around

I wanted to share with others about my experience and explain to others why i feel so passionate about the spirit world.....

Many Thanks for visting x x x x love and light x x x x

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