But it will become easier,and quicker, with practise...
At first you should cWhen you initially do this exercise it will seem to take along time,onduct the exercise sitting down,
But later on you will be able to do do it standing up, if you wish...


  1. Sit comfortable in a chair, with both feet flat on the floor...
    If your feet dont reach the floor, place a cussion beneath them,
    If it is pysically impossible for you to place your feet on the floor,
    Do so in your imagination instead...

  2. Take three deep breaths
    releasing any tension

    that you feel on each breath then breath normally

  3. Imagine that roots are growing out of the soles of your feet down into the ground,
    It helps to imgaine that your feet are enormous so that you can create more roots,
    Hearing or seeing these roots penetrating deep into the earths crust,
    Down into the centre of the planet, know that they are growing and multiplying...
    And in doing so are connecting you to the energy and solidity of the earth.

  4. Now imagine that energy from the earth is being sent up the roots into your feet,
    And is filling your whole body with the white light...
    you might like to imagine that the energy flows in with each In-Breath...
    Until your entire body is suffused with light...

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