the seven archangels and there meanings

               The seven Archangels and there meanings

All Archangels end with the "el" suffix.  "El" meaning "in God" and the first half of the name meaning what each individual Angel specializes in. 
Archangels are able to be in many places at one time.  You never have to feel that your "problem" isn't important enough to bother them with. That is what they're there for, to help you grow . 
The most popular Archangels are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel 

*  Remember when you make your requests to an Archangel, they are not able to interfere with your karma

 Meaning "Who is like God", "Like unto God", "Who is like the Divine"

The first Angel created by God, Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity.  Michael protects us physically, emotionally and psychically.  He also oversees the lightworker's life purpose.  His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear.  Michael carries a flaming sword that he uses to cut through etheric cords and protects us from Satan and negative entities.  When he's around you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light.  Call on Michael if you find yourself under psychic attack or if you feel you lack commitment, motivation and dedication to your beliefs, courage, direction, energy, vitality, self-esteem, worthiness.  Michael helps us to realise our life's purpose and he's invaluable to lightworkers helping with protection, space clearing and spirit releasement.

Michael conquered the fallen Angel Satan, was in the Garden of Eden to teach Adam how to farm and care for his family, spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and in 1950 he was canonised as Saint Michael, "the patron of Police Officers," because he helps with heroic deeds and bravery.  Michael also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical and mechanical devices, including computers and automobiles.  If your automobile breaks down, call on Michael.

Michael helps us to follow our truth without compromising our integrity and helps us to find our true natures and to be faithful to who we really are.  Other times when you may find Michael helpful is when your job is too demanding with impossible deadlines to reach, when you have an addiction, if you're very ill and suffering from a degenerative disease or terminal illness and when you suffer from nightmares

 Meaning "Healing power of God", "The Divine has healed", "God heals"
Hebrew word rapha means "doctor" or "healer".  Raphael is a powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing - humans and animals.  He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and spirit if called upon, as in the biblical story of Abraham and the pain he felt after being circumcised as an adult.  You may call upon Raphael in behalf of someone else, but he can't interfere with that person's free will.  If they refuse spiritual treatment, it can't be forced.
The chummiest and funniest of all Angels, Raphael is often pictured chatting merrily with mortal beings.  He's very sweet, loving, kind and gentle and you know that he's around when you see sparkles or flashes of green light.
Part of Raphael's healing work involves spirit releasement and space clearing.  He often works with Michael to exorcise discarnate entities and escort away lower energies from people and places.
As well as a healer, Raphael is known as the "Patron of Travelers" because of his help with Tobias and his travels.  Call upon Raphael when you are traveling, to assure safe travel.  In addition, he assures that all your transportation, lodging and luggage details go miraculously well.  Raphael also helps with inward spiritual journeys, assisting in searches for truth and guidance.
Raphael taught Tobias how to make balms and ointments from a fish which cured Tobias' father blindness.  Raphael can be called upon to help healers such as doctors, therapist and surgeons.  Call on Raphael if you're a student entering the healing field and you're looking for the right school and/or are in need of help with studies, as well as getting the time and money for school.  He also assists with establishing healing practices when your schooling is finished.  Raphael not only helps you to heal from physical, emotional and mental pain, he also heals wounds from past lives.
Other areas Raphael helps with is finding lost pets, reducing and eliminating addictions and cravings, clairvoyance, bringing unity to your life, if you feel out of touch with your spirituality, if you've lost a partner and/or your soul/body doesn't feel "whole".

Meaning "Strength of God"; "The Divine is my strength"; "God is my strength"
The only Archangel depicted as female in art and literature, Gabriel is known as the "messenger" Angel and is one of the four Archangels named in Hebrew tradition and is considered one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic religious lore. Apart from Michael, she is the only Angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament.  She is a powerful and strong Archangel, and those who call upon her will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results.
Gabriel can bring messages to you just as she did to Elizabeth and Mary of the impending births of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. If you are considering starting a family, Gabriel helps hopeful parents with conception or through the process of adopting a child.
Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision is therefore blocked. If you wish to receive visions of Angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in. If you wish to receive prophecies of the changes ahead. If you need help in interpreting your dreams and vision.
Gabriel helps anyone whose life purpose involves the arts or communication. She acts as a coach, inspiring and motivating artists, journalist and communicators and helping them to overcome fear and procrastination.
Gabriel also helps us to find our true calling. Ask for Gabriel's guidance if you have strayed from your soul's pathway, if you wish to understand your life plan and purpose. She can also help if you can find no reason for being or if changes are ahead and you need guidance. If you are contemplating a house move, major purchase or thinking of changing careers.
Call Gabriel if your body is full of toxins and needs purifying and if your thoughts are impure or negative and need clearing and cleansing. Gabriel is also very helpful for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted and feel dirty as well as being under psychic attack or if you feel that you have absorbed someone else's problems.

 Meaning - "God is light", "God's light", Fire of God"
Uriel is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle.  You may not even realize he has answered your prayer until you've suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea.
Uriel warned Noah of the impending flood, helped the prophet Ezra to interpret mystical predictions about the coming Messiah and delivered the Cabal to humankind.  He also brought the knowledge and practice of alchemy and the ability to manifest from thin air, as well as illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings.  All this considered, Uriel's area of expertise is divine magic, problem solving, spiritual understanding, studies, alchemy, weather, earth changes and writing.  Considered to be the Archangel who helps with earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disaster and earth changes, call on Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath
In the eighth century, the Christian Church became alarmed at the rampant and excessive zeal with which many of the faithful were revering Angels. For some unknown reason, in 745 A.D. under Pope Zachary, a Roman council ordered seven Angels removed from the ranks of the Church recognized Angels, one of them being Uriel

 Meaning - "He who sees God", "He who seeks God"
The Archangel of pure love, Chamuel can lift you from the depths of sorrow and find love in your heart.  Chamuel helps us to renew and improve existing relationships as well as finding our soul mates.  He works with us to build strong foundations for our relationships (as well as careers) so they're long-lasting, meaningful and healthy.  You'll know he's with you when you feel butterflies in your stomach and a pleasant tingling in your body.
If there's a breakdown of your relationship, if you cling to your relationships and don't allow your companion the freedom to be able to express themselves freely, call on Chamuel for guidance and support.  The other areas you can Chamuel can help is if you need to strengthen a parent-child bond, if you're unable to feel love for yourself or others, if your heart has hardened and is full of negative emotions, if you have lost someone close through death or separation, if you and your children have experienced a divorce, if your heart is blocked with depression, hopelessness and despair, if you feel lonely and broken hearted, if you need to be loved, if you are judgmental and cynical or if you don't appreciate the love that you have in your life.
Chamuel can also help with world peace, career, life purpose and finding lost items.

 Meaning "Beauty of God"
Jophiel was the Angel present in the Garden of Eden and later watched over Noahs sons.  The Archangel of art and beauty, he is the patron of artists, helping with artistic projects, thinking beautiful thoughts, to see and appreciate beauty around us.  Helping to create beauty at home and at work, Jophiel is the Archangel for interior decorators.   He illuminates our creative spark by giving us ideas and energy to carry out artistic ventures.  He also helps us to see the beauty in all things, including people.
 As well as helping our creativity, Jophiel helps us to slow down and smell the roses.  Call on him if you need joy and laughter in your life or if you feel youve lost the light in your life.  He will also help if your soul is sleeping and needs awakening and if you wish to awaken a deeper understanding of who you are and seeking a connection with the higher self, so that you may take your first steps along your spiritual pathway. 
You know Jophiel is at work if you are searching for answers to the questions in your life and wish the greater wisdom to be revealed to you, and all of a sudden you experience flashes of insight in which everything suddenly becomes clear. 

Meaning -  "Friend of God"
Referred to as the Archangel of Justice and Fairness, Raguel oversees all the other Archangels and Angels.  He watches over them to make sure theyre working well together in a harmonious and orderly fashion according to Divine order and will.
Raguel is the Archangel for the underdog.  Call on him for help when you need to be  empowered and respected.  He helps to resolve arguments, helps with cooperation and leads to harmony in groups and families.  Raguel defends the unfairly treated, and provides support with mediation of disputes.
In the Revelation of John, Raguel is referred to as an assistant to God in the following account: "Then shall He send the Angel Raguel, saying: Go and sound the trumpet for the Angels of cold and snow and ice, and bring together every kind of wrath upon them that stand on the left."
Despite his exalted position, for some unexplained reason Raguel was reprobated in 745 A.D. by the Roman church (along with some other high-level Angels, including Uriel).  At this time Pope Zachary described Raguel as a demon who "passed himself off as a saint".

Written..  by Nicole Higgs

What is a medium?

What is a medium?

A medium is someone who is the go between the spirit world and the living..imagine you are trying to call your loved ones in the spirit world..but you need a little help..the medium is like the operator..helping you to make that call..

The Medium will bring through messages and provide evidence of the Afterlife via your loved one..they are on one end of the line and you are on the other end with the Medium in the middle maintaing that connectiion for you..

Depending on the level of development of the Medium..certain information of shared memories, how they passed, geographical locations they visited and lived in, other family members in spirit can be obtained..and passed onto you..

Your loved one will work also work hard at maintaining that connection if you "put the phone down" while this information is being given..then your loved one might lose that connection with the medium and have to try again at a later stage..

This is why you need to present when the sitting is happening..the more energy that is available the easier it will be for the Medium to maintain that connection..

Not all loved ones will tell you what time or day they this becomes less important to them..all they want to do is let you know they are ok..and sometimes if you dont know much about your loved one then you cant confirm or validate the info that is being passed on..we dont always know what Grandad or Gran got up to in their early years before you came on the they probably didnt feel like sharing this info with you..or you were simply not interested in knowing at that dont be so quick to dismiss info that you can't validate..check with other family members who may know..

Most of patient!..your loved ones are also doing things on the other side and may not be able to come through at the time of the sitting..they dont have clocks over there perception of time is different..

hope this helps xx

meditation for daily life

meditation for daily life

Meditation for stress and anxiety
A meditation technique whenever you are suffering anxiety or stress caused by something in your past or something you are currently worried about.

Sit in a straight backed chair with your back straight and your hands resting on your thighs.
Think about the cause of your anxiety.  Visualize as clearly as possible the event, people or situation and fully feel your distress.

Now using your index finger, begin to tap lightly, firstly on one thigh then the other, alternating back and forth.  Do this rhythmically, at a speed that feels comfortable to you, and that you can sustain for three minutes or more.  As you tap, keep visualizing the source of your stress
After three minutes you should feel a lessoning of your anxiety.  If the anxiety is still partially there, repeat the exercise another time. 
If it is not completely gone after the second exercise, try again only this time move your eyes side to side slowly.

Keep an eye on your breath

This is one of the most simplest of all meditations, yet one of the most powerful and rewarding.  Meditating in the breath each day provides a foundation for all other forms of meditation.
Let’s do it
Sit cross legged on a cushion with your bottom slightly raised.  If you can’t sit cross legged sit on a chair.  Keep your back straight, your shoulders level and relaxed and your chin parallel to the floor.  Lower your eyes and focus about a metre in front of you.  Rest your hands gently on your knees.
Breathe normally through your nose, using your abdomen rather than your chest.  Check your posture and relax any part of your body that is tense.
Begin counting your breath on each exhalation; when you reach ten, begin again.  Thoughts will intervene and when they do, simply let them go and return to counting your breath.
After ten minutes or so, end your session.  Try to bring to focus and concentration into your daily life.

Love yourself

This is a meditation that will help you to counteract any feelings that you have i.e.  Self hatred, shame or low self esteem.
Try this meditation when you become aware of any negative feelings 

Let’s do this

Sit on a cushion or chair in a quiet place.  Visualize your higher power sitting in front of you, it could be someone who you have faith in or just a wise form of yourself.

Imagine your higher power smiling at you with great love and compassion, accepting you as you are.  Understand that he or she does not demand that you` fix` anything about yourself to deserve his or her love.  Know that he or she wants you to accept yourself exactly as you are, and treat yourself with kindness and respect as they already do.
Thank your higher power for reminding you to be kind towards yourself.  Tell him or her that with their help and encouragement, you will refrain from hating yourself and will encourage yourself to accept yourself exactly as you are.  Promise that you will try to live your life with complete self acceptance and self love.

Meditation for facing your problems
Everyone has difficulties and problems that persist over time.  You are not alone in this.  It is time to face your problems directly, with courage and honesty.
Let’s try this meditation to help

Find a time when you can be alone.

Stand in front of your bathroom or bedroom mirror or a full length mirror.
Look at your reflection. Take three slow and calming breaths, then speaking out loud, tell yourself three things you like about yourself.  It could be that you are a good listener, a very intelligent person or a great cook etc.  Love the person looking back at you.  Tell yourself you know you are struggling, but it is important to admit to the problem that has been dragging you down.
Out loud, in a clear voice, tell yourself the problem you have been avoiding.  For example, you might say “I am not confident and I need to change this to progress with my career” or it could be “I am overweight and i need to lose it for my health and well-being”.  Repeat your statement three times.
Now commit to taking a step to resolve your problem within the next 24 hours.  Say out loud what you plan to do.  Make sure that this is a reasonable plan.  Repeat this three times.
Close your meditation by congratulating yourself for your courage and honesty.




It is very reassuring to make contact occasionally with a treasured relative who is now in the spirit world.  many people take great comfort from knowing that their parents or grandparents are still keeping an eye on them, even though they have left their physical body years ago, they are aware of the tremendous amount of love that is being sent to them from the soul planes, especially when they're going through difficult experiences.
We all need help and support when times are hard or we don't which action to take for the best.  We might ask our friends for advice, so it is only natural to ask our relatives as well, whether they are still on earth or have moved on to the spirit realms.  However, although we like to listen to the advice we receive and be given guidance, there always comes a time when we have to stand on our own two feet and take responsibility for our own actions.  Just as our friends would soon get fed up with us if we pestered them day and night for advice on everything from what to eat for lunch to which clothes to war each morning, so the spirit world can get tired of being bombarded with question from those who are seemingly incapable of making a decision about anything.
so if you wish to make contact with a relative or ancestor in the spirit realms-especially when your seeking answers to questions about the direction in your life is taking - don't expect to be told exactly what to do or to tune in on a daily basis for your latest batch of advice, IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT!!....


When you want to contact a dead relative or ancestor, you need to prepare yourself in exactly the same way as for any other sort of channelling, the fact you may of known this person very well for a long time, and that you love each other, doesn't counter act the need to protect yourself from unseen spirits and from the physical shock to your body if there are sudden interruptions in the middle of channelling, Also, just as any form of channelling, you must test the quality of the communication to check that it is indeed from the person you wish to contact However, the quality and purity of your intention will help to protect you.  If your making contact because of genuine love for the person in the spirit world, this will give you much more protection than if your getting in touch because you want to ask your uncle where he hid all his money or whether he'll tell you the winner of the next big horse race, such motives are more likely to attract unpleasant entities that will feed on your emotions....


Ideally you should think about making contact with your relative or ancestor in advanced to give him time to rearrange his own schedule if necessary so that he'll be available, Contrary to popular opinion, spirits don't spend their time sitting on fluffy clouds playing harps.
It will help to sit with a photograph or portrait of the person you wish to contact, Alternatively, you could sit holding one of his personal belongings, such as his watch.  Focus your thoughts on the person and let a sense of pure love flow through you, filling your heart chakra with a warm glow, you are now ready to begin the meditation that will bring you into contact with your relative or ancestor.....

written by:  JoanneClare 
information and sources from Jane Struthers -  psychic bible.... 



Cleanse, Ground, Balance and protect yourself in the usual way,
Then sit in a comfortable chair with both feet flat on the floor..

 Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out three times to relax.
With each out-breathe, feel any tension ebbing out of you.
with each in-breathe, feel peace and harmony entering your body. 

Now imagine your standing in a favourite place in nature,
It could be a special beach, a favourite stretch of countryside or a wonderful garden.
Completly tune into your surroundings, Hear the birds singing,
Listen to the crash of the waves or the murmuring of the wind through the trees,

When you are completly immersed in your surroundings, look around you.
Nothing that there is a wide river close by, and that a bridge crosses it.
The river is to wide for you to see the other side without crossing the bridge.
Begin to walk over it, taking note of what it looks and feels like.
Listen to the sound of the river flowing beneath the bridge.

Cross the bridge to the other side of the river, at the bottom of the river is a gate.
Open this gate and walk through it (CLOSING IT BEHIND YOU!!)
into beauiful, peaceful surroundings.
Ahead of you is a house where your loved one or ancestor lived.
If you dont no what this house looked like, trust the image that comes to you.
See the house in all its many details, notice the roof and the chimney.
Look at the windows and the doors,
walk towards the house and enter the garden that kies infront  of the house.

There is a large, old apple tree in the garden, Your relative is sitting in a chair underneath it.
There is another chair for you, it looks comfortable and inviting.
Greet your relative warmly, as you would of done in life, 
And thank him for meeting you, if you never met while the ancestor was alive,
Politely introduce yourself and explain why you have asked for the meeting.

Sit down and begin your conversation with your relative, listen to what is said.
Write it down, if this is appropriate and you receive the information in the form of words.

When your conversation is over, thank your relative and say good bye to them.
Walk out of the garden towards the bridge and the gate at the foot of the bridge,
Open the gate and step through it, 
Hear or see it shut, walk accross the bridge until you reach the other side.
Then return to your starting point in the beautiful surroundings you choose...

Now begin to count backwards from five....
With each number you are becoming alert and aware of your surroundings..
By the time you have counted down to on, you are completly awake and back in your chair.

Open your eyes and stretch your arms and legs,
And wiggle your fingers and toes....

written by: JoanneClare
resources from Jane Struthers- The Psychic Bible



If a man appeared on your doorstep out of the blue, saying he was from your bank and wanted to talk to you about your bank account, you would want some evidence that he was who he said he was
before you let him into your house.
You need to be equally careful when making psychic connections with spirits.
The fact that a spirit dwells on one of there astral planes is not an automatic testament to his honesty and good intentions.
So when you do make contact with a spirit you need to check that, just like the man from the bank,
Listen to your gut instincts, take notice if you start to feel anxious or ill while contacting a spirit.


  • The first thing to check is how you feel when you have made contact with a spirit, Are you peaceful and calm? do you feel safe and in good hands? 
Or are you uneasy and apprehensive?

  • This explains why it is so important to be grounded, calm and centred from the beginning to channel....  If you are already feeling agitated, you wont notice if such emotions begin to increase when you connect with a spirit...

  • If you start to feel uneasy, please don't think its from a bad spirit as this could mean health issues they had while on this plane is a way of communicating sometimes, take notice on how your feeling this could actually be your own fears and anxieties too...

written by: JoanneClare
resources from Jane Struthers- The Psychic Bible

LIFE AFTER DEATH... By Joanne Clare


When you start to channel you will be making contact with spirit from the spirit world..
Some of them might of been known to you personally, such as relatives or friends who have passed.
It is therefore important to have some understanding on what happens when we die..
If you believe in reincarnation, you will know that you have probably lived on this earth before.
Therefore you have died before and, between incarnations returned to whichever realm you came from, yet, despite this, most of us have little or no memory of what happened to us when we died.
Children often have a good recollection of where they have come from, but they're usually told that such knowledge is nothing more than fantasy and that they should stop telling tales, as a result they soon start to forget...

After some one dies, his spirit stays in realms that are accessible to the earth for some time.
Often, the spirit will stay close to the earth because is watching over loved ones who are still there and wants to be near them, Eventually his spirit will develop and move on to a higher plane. 


Many people believe in heaven, but it can mean different things to different people.
There are numerous books describing heaven, often channelled from spirits who are there.
One famous example is LIFE IN THE WORLD UNSEEN, channelled by Anthony Borgia.
The general consensus of opinion about these books is that there are many different levels in the afterlife and that we are sent to the one most suited to our spiritual development.
For example, someone who was never very interested in spiritual or religious matters, or who was selfish or vindictive while on the earth, will be sent to a less elevated level than someone who spent her life developing her spirituality and leading a life of service to others.
However, someone on a low spiritual plane is not being punished, and she always has the option of developing spirituality. 

Written by Joanne Lightworker Beadsworth
teachings Jane Struthers



When you start to channel, you will want to make contact with a spirit guide.  There are several categories of guides, and you may wish to choose a particular type with whom to make psychic contact with...

We all have many spirit guides who watch over us, no one on earth is without their guides.
although you may not consciously be aware of them, you are accompanied throughout all your lives by a group of spirits who have watched over and guided you from your first incarnation on earth,and who stay with you between each incarnation, When you return to the soul plane.
They are with you while you undertake your review of your most recent life and all the actions that you took while on earth.  It is their loving duty to be with you for many lifetimes, and they are always delighted when you start to become aware of them and wish to make contact.

Spirit guides include your guardian angel:
Everyone has a guardian angel, you have one, even if you arent yet aware of (his or her) presence.
This angel is with you throughout your life, standing closer to you than you could ever believe.  Your triumphs and tragedies, as well as during those nondescript days when your life simply just jogs along, When you die, your guardian angel is still with you, helping you to make your transition into the spirit life.  And this angel will repeat the entire process when you are next incarnated on earth.
What many people find so difficult to understand is that they have to ask their guardian angel for help before he can intercede on their behalf.  He has to obey the spiritual law that says help can only be given when its asked for, otherwise its an act of interference.
Your guardian Angel longs to be asked to help, because then he can truly be of service to you.
However, he has to be asked each time you need his assistance, it isn't enough for you to ask him for help once and then imagine that he'll spring into action whenever you need him.

Written by: JoanneClare
teaching Jane Struthers



Authors & Publishers Disclaimer

Reiki is an ancient form of healing that is practised by the authors and numerous practitioners around the world. The information and techniques in this book do not constitute medical advice. Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines. You should always remember to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or practitioner in the case of serious illness. While all suggested treatments are offered in good faith, the author and publisher cannot accept responsibility for any illness arising out of the failure by the reader/individual to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or medical practitioner.

Important Note to the Reader/Student

The purpose of this book is to give the reader a comprehensive guide to the teachings and disciplines associated with First Degree Usui Reiki. We have purposely kept the information concise so the reader can quickly and easily understand and apply Reiki.

Wherever possible we have avoided adding personal beliefs that may differ from the traditional teachings of Dr Mikao Usui. The knowledge and information contained in this book is based on the original Shiki Ryoho Method of Healing developed by Dr Usui over two hundred years ago.

If you desire to use the teachings contain within this book to heal yourself and others you must first have received the necessary attunements from a Reiki Master either in person or via distant attunement.


"I am realistic. I expect miracles." - Dr. Wayne Dyer




The Usual Disclaimer Reiki is not a substitute for traditional Medical treatment, if someone has a serious health imbalance they should see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program. All healing is self healing the practitioner works with the crystals and with other methods to assist themselves and others in facilitating their own healing. Reiki Treatment does not use any tissue manipulation or massage and does not ever involve sexual contact of any kind under any circumstance. Unethical people have been known to abuse other people under the pretext of spiritual , holistic and complementary healing. Such people should be reported to authorities promptly.
Reiki can do no harm and there are very few contraindications. In the past conditions such as Diabetes were thought to be contraindicated. However, it is worth noting that if the client does not keep their condition in check and has a bad hypo, they could point to their therapy as a result..


PACEMAKER.. As Reiki is an energy, it has been known to speed up clock and machinery. Therefore it could have this effect on a pacemaker..
PREGNANCY.. Reiki is safe after the 1st trimester. However if unsure whether to treat it is best to wait until the second trimester.
HEARING AIDS.. The Reiki energy can cause a loud howling sound or feedback in a hearing aid. To avoid this simply ask the clients to remove during the session..

I understand that Reiki is a simple, gentle, hands-on energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation.

I understand that Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
I understand that Reiki does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological aliment or psychological
I also understand that the body has the ability to heal itself and to do so, complete relaxation is often beneficial.
I acknowledge that long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions in order to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself...



January Birthstone –  Garnet Most born in January are ambitious, but sometimes lack confidence and self-esteem. Since the healing powers ...