LIFE AFTER DEATH... By Joanne Clare


When you start to channel you will be making contact with spirit from the spirit world..
Some of them might of been known to you personally, such as relatives or friends who have passed.
It is therefore important to have some understanding on what happens when we die..
If you believe in reincarnation, you will know that you have probably lived on this earth before.
Therefore you have died before and, between incarnations returned to whichever realm you came from, yet, despite this, most of us have little or no memory of what happened to us when we died.
Children often have a good recollection of where they have come from, but they're usually told that such knowledge is nothing more than fantasy and that they should stop telling tales, as a result they soon start to forget...

After some one dies, his spirit stays in realms that are accessible to the earth for some time.
Often, the spirit will stay close to the earth because is watching over loved ones who are still there and wants to be near them, Eventually his spirit will develop and move on to a higher plane. 


Many people believe in heaven, but it can mean different things to different people.
There are numerous books describing heaven, often channelled from spirits who are there.
One famous example is LIFE IN THE WORLD UNSEEN, channelled by Anthony Borgia.
The general consensus of opinion about these books is that there are many different levels in the afterlife and that we are sent to the one most suited to our spiritual development.
For example, someone who was never very interested in spiritual or religious matters, or who was selfish or vindictive while on the earth, will be sent to a less elevated level than someone who spent her life developing her spirituality and leading a life of service to others.
However, someone on a low spiritual plane is not being punished, and she always has the option of developing spirituality. 

Written by Joanne Lightworker Beadsworth
teachings Jane Struthers

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