Having them near:  Even if you just have crystals nearby you will notice subtle changes in energy levels. Some of them are useful for counteracting the electromagnetic fields of appliances such as computers and microwaves..

Select an appropriate crystal (or crystals) Hold it, consider its attributes and how it can help you. Feel the energy of the crystal create the positive vision you wish to achieve, focus on the abilities of the crystal that your holding..
EXAMPLE... What area does this crystal cover Grounding, protection, which chakra does it work best with..

Meditation & Visions...
Hold the appropriate crystal in your hands or create a pyramid or circle around your body with a combination of stones. Working consciously with crystals will raise the vibrationary levels of your work. Visualise the energy flowing from the crystal to your Aura, it will guide your consciousness to where it needs to be.

Chakra Healing...
Crystals are commonly placed on the seven major energy centres, knows as Chakra's, on the body. Each energy centre works in different ways. Crystals help to bring balance and harmony within each chakra and within the whole system This state of being allows the body to heal itself and enables the mind to link to the spirit and feel bliss.

Shamanic & Magical Work...
Crystals can be used to create a protective circle, to enhance the power of a quest, incarnation, ritual, ceremony and all other work. They can be incorporated on magical tools such as staffs or wants to increase their power and help direct energy.

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