meditation for daily life

meditation for daily life

Meditation for stress and anxiety
A meditation technique whenever you are suffering anxiety or stress caused by something in your past or something you are currently worried about.

Sit in a straight backed chair with your back straight and your hands resting on your thighs.
Think about the cause of your anxiety.  Visualize as clearly as possible the event, people or situation and fully feel your distress.

Now using your index finger, begin to tap lightly, firstly on one thigh then the other, alternating back and forth.  Do this rhythmically, at a speed that feels comfortable to you, and that you can sustain for three minutes or more.  As you tap, keep visualizing the source of your stress
After three minutes you should feel a lessoning of your anxiety.  If the anxiety is still partially there, repeat the exercise another time. 
If it is not completely gone after the second exercise, try again only this time move your eyes side to side slowly.

Keep an eye on your breath

This is one of the most simplest of all meditations, yet one of the most powerful and rewarding.  Meditating in the breath each day provides a foundation for all other forms of meditation.
Let’s do it
Sit cross legged on a cushion with your bottom slightly raised.  If you can’t sit cross legged sit on a chair.  Keep your back straight, your shoulders level and relaxed and your chin parallel to the floor.  Lower your eyes and focus about a metre in front of you.  Rest your hands gently on your knees.
Breathe normally through your nose, using your abdomen rather than your chest.  Check your posture and relax any part of your body that is tense.
Begin counting your breath on each exhalation; when you reach ten, begin again.  Thoughts will intervene and when they do, simply let them go and return to counting your breath.
After ten minutes or so, end your session.  Try to bring to focus and concentration into your daily life.

Love yourself

This is a meditation that will help you to counteract any feelings that you have i.e.  Self hatred, shame or low self esteem.
Try this meditation when you become aware of any negative feelings 

Let’s do this

Sit on a cushion or chair in a quiet place.  Visualize your higher power sitting in front of you, it could be someone who you have faith in or just a wise form of yourself.

Imagine your higher power smiling at you with great love and compassion, accepting you as you are.  Understand that he or she does not demand that you` fix` anything about yourself to deserve his or her love.  Know that he or she wants you to accept yourself exactly as you are, and treat yourself with kindness and respect as they already do.
Thank your higher power for reminding you to be kind towards yourself.  Tell him or her that with their help and encouragement, you will refrain from hating yourself and will encourage yourself to accept yourself exactly as you are.  Promise that you will try to live your life with complete self acceptance and self love.

Meditation for facing your problems
Everyone has difficulties and problems that persist over time.  You are not alone in this.  It is time to face your problems directly, with courage and honesty.
Let’s try this meditation to help

Find a time when you can be alone.

Stand in front of your bathroom or bedroom mirror or a full length mirror.
Look at your reflection. Take three slow and calming breaths, then speaking out loud, tell yourself three things you like about yourself.  It could be that you are a good listener, a very intelligent person or a great cook etc.  Love the person looking back at you.  Tell yourself you know you are struggling, but it is important to admit to the problem that has been dragging you down.
Out loud, in a clear voice, tell yourself the problem you have been avoiding.  For example, you might say “I am not confident and I need to change this to progress with my career” or it could be “I am overweight and i need to lose it for my health and well-being”.  Repeat your statement three times.
Now commit to taking a step to resolve your problem within the next 24 hours.  Say out loud what you plan to do.  Make sure that this is a reasonable plan.  Repeat this three times.
Close your meditation by congratulating yourself for your courage and honesty.

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