What is a medium?

What is a medium?

A medium is someone who is the go between the spirit world and the living..imagine you are trying to call your loved ones in the spirit world..but you need a little help..the medium is like the operator..helping you to make that call..

The Medium will bring through messages and provide evidence of the Afterlife via your loved one..they are on one end of the line and you are on the other end with the Medium in the middle maintaing that connectiion for you..

Depending on the level of development of the Medium..certain information of shared memories, how they passed, geographical locations they visited and lived in, other family members in spirit can be obtained..and passed onto you..

Your loved one will work also work hard at maintaining that connection to..so if you "put the phone down" while this information is being given..then your loved one might lose that connection with the medium and have to try again at a later stage..

This is why you need to present when the sitting is happening..the more energy that is available the easier it will be for the Medium to maintain that connection..

Not all loved ones will tell you what time or day they passed..as this becomes less important to them..all they want to do is let you know they are ok..and sometimes if you dont know much about your loved one then you cant confirm or validate the info that is being passed on..we dont always know what Grandad or Gran got up to in their early years before you came on the scene..as they probably didnt feel like sharing this info with you..or you were simply not interested in knowing at that time..so dont be so quick to dismiss info that you can't validate..check with other family members who may know..

Most of all..be patient!..your loved ones are also doing things on the other side and may not be able to come through at the time of the sitting..they dont have clocks over there..so there perception of time is different..

hope this helps xx

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