When you start to channel, you will want to make contact with a spirit guide.  There are several categories of guides, and you may wish to choose a particular type with whom to make psychic contact with...

We all have many spirit guides who watch over us, no one on earth is without their guides.
although you may not consciously be aware of them, you are accompanied throughout all your lives by a group of spirits who have watched over and guided you from your first incarnation on earth,and who stay with you between each incarnation, When you return to the soul plane.
They are with you while you undertake your review of your most recent life and all the actions that you took while on earth.  It is their loving duty to be with you for many lifetimes, and they are always delighted when you start to become aware of them and wish to make contact.

Spirit guides include your guardian angel:
Everyone has a guardian angel, you have one, even if you arent yet aware of (his or her) presence.
This angel is with you throughout your life, standing closer to you than you could ever believe.  Your triumphs and tragedies, as well as during those nondescript days when your life simply just jogs along, When you die, your guardian angel is still with you, helping you to make your transition into the spirit life.  And this angel will repeat the entire process when you are next incarnated on earth.
What many people find so difficult to understand is that they have to ask their guardian angel for help before he can intercede on their behalf.  He has to obey the spiritual law that says help can only be given when its asked for, otherwise its an act of interference.
Your guardian Angel longs to be asked to help, because then he can truly be of service to you.
However, he has to be asked each time you need his assistance, it isn't enough for you to ask him for help once and then imagine that he'll spring into action whenever you need him.

Written by: JoanneClare
teaching Jane Struthers

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