It is very reassuring to make contact occasionally with a treasured relative who is now in the spirit world.  many people take great comfort from knowing that their parents or grandparents are still keeping an eye on them, even though they have left their physical body years ago, they are aware of the tremendous amount of love that is being sent to them from the soul planes, especially when they're going through difficult experiences.
We all need help and support when times are hard or we don't which action to take for the best.  We might ask our friends for advice, so it is only natural to ask our relatives as well, whether they are still on earth or have moved on to the spirit realms.  However, although we like to listen to the advice we receive and be given guidance, there always comes a time when we have to stand on our own two feet and take responsibility for our own actions.  Just as our friends would soon get fed up with us if we pestered them day and night for advice on everything from what to eat for lunch to which clothes to war each morning, so the spirit world can get tired of being bombarded with question from those who are seemingly incapable of making a decision about anything.
so if you wish to make contact with a relative or ancestor in the spirit realms-especially when your seeking answers to questions about the direction in your life is taking - don't expect to be told exactly what to do or to tune in on a daily basis for your latest batch of advice, IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT!!....


When you want to contact a dead relative or ancestor, you need to prepare yourself in exactly the same way as for any other sort of channelling, the fact you may of known this person very well for a long time, and that you love each other, doesn't counter act the need to protect yourself from unseen spirits and from the physical shock to your body if there are sudden interruptions in the middle of channelling, Also, just as any form of channelling, you must test the quality of the communication to check that it is indeed from the person you wish to contact However, the quality and purity of your intention will help to protect you.  If your making contact because of genuine love for the person in the spirit world, this will give you much more protection than if your getting in touch because you want to ask your uncle where he hid all his money or whether he'll tell you the winner of the next big horse race, such motives are more likely to attract unpleasant entities that will feed on your emotions....


Ideally you should think about making contact with your relative or ancestor in advanced to give him time to rearrange his own schedule if necessary so that he'll be available, Contrary to popular opinion, spirits don't spend their time sitting on fluffy clouds playing harps.
It will help to sit with a photograph or portrait of the person you wish to contact, Alternatively, you could sit holding one of his personal belongings, such as his watch.  Focus your thoughts on the person and let a sense of pure love flow through you, filling your heart chakra with a warm glow, you are now ready to begin the meditation that will bring you into contact with your relative or ancestor.....

written by:  JoanneClare 
information and sources from Jane Struthers -  psychic bible.... 

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