At this time in my life i 21 and i was pregnant with my second child which we know now to be my daughter, and it was a night time i was lying in bed overwhelmed with worry because my son was born early and i had a few complications so i was so worried being told that i have been put on high risk i was overly worried about this happening again. I finally managed to get to sleep after all the anxiety of it all i must of been exhausted through all the worrying, I suddenly woke up must of been just past mid-night which i often did being pregnant i would wake up for food in the middle of the night just like this night, i asked my partner to go into the kitchen and make something to eat because he was already awake and was watching t.v next to me. As he went to the kitchen the most beautiful experience happened to me that i cannot explain it has been 13 years since this and i still cannot get over how i felt... As i was lying so still i had a gentle and silent waft of wings flap in front of me i felt and sensed wings in front of my face as if a bird was flapping his wings right in front of my face, and instantly after the waft of cool air I smelt a very strong fragrance of fresh flowers like i was just standing in a meadow, the flowers were fresher than i have ever smelt anything, the feeling i had was totally out of this world i felt instantly peaceful, loved, and so blessed, i knew the whole time of experiencing this it was a rare opportunity so i literally lay back and i was totally enjoying the whole experience. I feel so lucky and have ever since on my bad i always get reminded of these moments as i have had a few now and only reading others sharing it has inspired me to share mine with you also... What did amaze me is no words were muttered just feelings and senses were opened just a silent waft of wings and the beautiful fragrance Angels carry honestly this was so beautiful and special and has remained the same even now and will do forever more. since then i have tried to find other things that could of been and i cannot honestly find one other than an angel came into my room at my hour of need i was worrying so much about my baby myself and my son i was so so scared and the Angel came to me that night and gave me so much love peace and calmness and it did literally calm me i felt loved and totally peaceful, my partner also seen a change he said i had a glow all around me, and he could smell the fragrance of flowers kept asking me what i had sprayed and where it was coming from of course i could not explain!! i did tell him about what i had experienced while he went to make food but he didn't believe me is one of the reasons iv kept it to myself for so long i didn't think anyone would believe me anyway so i kept it locked in my heart safe... So now i no with out a doubt i had a visit off an angel. (I knew i would be alright from this moment) it is only since then reading other stories of people and their visits off Angels that completely inspired me to share this one with you, this was my 1st visit i have had other visits Angels are becoming as real as you are to me and they even still communicate with me giving me guidance sometimes for me and other times for other people i really do love my angels i will share the next experience with you..... THANK YOU FOR READING I WILL SHARE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WHEN I BROUGHT MY DAUGHTER HOME THIS IS MY 2ND ENCOUNTER WITH MY ANGELS...
All my Love JoanneClare X Love & Light to you all my friend X

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